Thursday, January 29, 2009


Rylee is going through a biting phase. However, she only wants to bite Parker and she only bites his skin. She usually doesn't bite if he is fully clothed. Poor Parker got bitten twice yesterday. Once on his leg and once on his arm. The poor little guy doesn't move so he just sits there and cries as she bites him. She doesn't let go either so she continues to bite him until I get there to separate them. Poor Parker. Here are some pictures of bite marks :(

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Brian has just been accepted to Officer Candidate School in
Newport, Rhode Island!
He is scheduled to leave for OCS on March 15!!!
Here is a link for anyone interested in more information

Mommy's Little Helper

Rylee was my big helper doing laundry this morning. First she pulled everything out onto the floor so I could fold it. Then she put the next load in...two shoes, a sippy cup, and a clean folded pair of socks! I hope she is this enthusiastic about doing laundry a few years from now!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rock Band

A couple of weeks ago we were at Costco and Brian spotted Rock Band for the Nintendo Wii. As I was in the line to check out Brian walked up to the cart carrying a huge box and said "this is the Christmas gift I never got". Anyway, we now own Rock Band and Brian is already trying to get the kids hooked on the Wii! Here is a picture of Brian and Parker singing Karaoke!

Actual Birthday

Yesterday (January 23rd) was the twins actual First Birthday. We had a big party at Rolly Pollies last week, but we also had a celebration last night with Grandma and Grandpa Sullivan. The twins' friend Evan came over too. The twins and Evan each had a big piece of cake which was so messy that all three ended up in the bath tub! Parker and Rylee got lots of presents at their party at Rolly Pollies, but I think they got just as many on their actual birthday too!! Now we just have to figure out where to put all of their new toys! To top off all of Parker and Rylee's partying, we went to a birthday party today for their friend Cannon who just turned one (his birthday is also Jan. 23!). Rylee and Parker where big helpers in helping Cannon and his mommy open presents!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Guess who is WALKING?!?!?!?!

Here is a video of Rylee walking! Sorry it is sideways...I'll try to get another video of her after she gets up from her nap. But at least you get the idea, right?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Funny kids!

I thought these pictures were cute/funny so I thought I'd share. Yesterday we were trying to get Parker in his highchair for lunch and he was refusing to let go of the broom he was playing with (he was "sweeping" the laundry room and banging on the washing machine with it!). So finally we just let him take his broom to lunch with him! Luckily, once the food was on his tray he was willing to give up his broom!

Every morning is an adventure with Rylee. She does not like to let go of her pacifiers! In fact at night she sleeps with one in her mouth and holds one in each hand for safe keeping. We try to limit her use of pacifiers to her crib and the car, but sometimes she is adamant about carrying them around the house. This morning she wanted her morning bottle, but didn't want to let go of the pacifiers so she managed to hold all three!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Coffee with Kate

Last week I went to "Coffee with Kate" (from Jon and Kate plus 8) with a friend from the Charleston Area Mothers of Multiples group. It was held at Seacoast Church and Kate spoke about her life prior to the twins, her pregnancy with the sextuplets and her life leading up to now. It was very interesting and I learned a lot about her faith, her struggles during her pregnancy with the sextuplets and Jon's unemployment and their struggle to make ends meet after the sextuplets were born. They've been on quite a roller coaster ride! It was hard to get good pictures due to the lighting at the church, but here are a couple that I took.

Nana comes to town!

My mom came to visit for two weeks and had lots of fun hanging out with the twins. Here are a few pictures from our time with Nana!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Birthday Party!

The twins celebrated their first birthday a little early. They had a joint party at Rolly Pollies with their friend McKenna who is turning two this month. The party was so much fun! All of the kids played in the gym area for an hour and then we had cake and lunch/snacks in the party room. Below are some pictures from their exciting day!

Happy 1st Birthday Parker and Rylee!

The "Birthday Boy" and "Birthday Girl"
Christy (McKenna's Mommy) and I

The Party room

The birthday kids (Rylee, McKenna, Parker)

Ayden and Cameron

Mommy and Rylee

Cannon and Emma

Parker and Daddy