Sunday, February 22, 2009


The twins were so cute tonight. They wanted to be close to each other while they had their evening bottles. Here is how they ended up!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The twins had a Valentine exchange with our Mom's club yesterday at Rolly Pollies. They delivered their valentines, had lunch at the party and then played in the gym for an hour. They were exhausted so we decided to bring their valentine mail boxes home for them to open after their nap. They LOVED their valentines and and they even figured out how to get the wrappers off of the lollipops! We put all of the valentines back in their mail boxes and gave them to them again today and they were just as excited to pull everything out again!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dancing Videos!

Below are a couple of cute videos of Parker and Rylee showing off their dance moves!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Elmo's Birthday Party

The twins attended "Elmo's Birthday Party" today with our Mom's club. It was a lot of fun. The kids made an Elmo craft (my kids just watched!), wore Elmo party hats, had lunch, sang happy birthday to Elmo, ate cute Elmo cup cakes, read an Elmo story and played with all of the other kids! All of the kids dressed up in red or in Elmo attire for the party!

1 Year

The twins had their one year well baby check up and both are doing great! They were supposed to have their iron and lead levels checked, which is normally done by a prick on the finger. However, the naval clinic doesn't have the equipment to test for iron and lead that way so they were going to draw blood from their tiny little arms. We said "no thanks!". We are going to pay a civilian pediatrician with the proper equipment to do the test instead. It is recommended that children are tested before they turn two so we have some time to figure it out. Anyway, below are the twins' measurements! The growth curves are different for boys and girls which is why their percentiles are different even though they are the same height.

Parker Robert:
30 inches (50th-75th percentile)
23 lbs 15 oz (50th-75th percentilele)
Head circumference 75th percentile
Rylee Briggs:
30 inches (90th percentile)
21 lbs 3 oz (50th-75th percentile)
Head circumference 75-90th percentile

Monday, February 2, 2009

Growing so fast...

Our friends came over for lunch today with their two week old daughter. I just couldn't believe how tiny she was (however, she was born more than a pound heavier than either of my kids!). I took a picture of Brian holding Parker and Grant holding his daughter and it was at that moment I realized my babies are no longer babies! Parker looks like such a big boy next to Mathilda!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Laugh and Learn Pony

A few months ago my Mom's club had a Fisher Price House Party where they raffled off a bunch of Fisher Price toys and the twins won the Laugh and Learn Pony. The pony wirelessly connects to the TV and it has interactive games for different age groups. The twins are just now getting to the age where they can climb on and off the pony without help so we decided to hook it up to the TV this morning and they LOVED it (you'll see from the photos that Daddy loved it too)!