Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Afternoon

Baskets, breakfast, church, and new toys were enough to keep us busy Easter morning. We decided to make Easter an all day event so we saved the egg hunt until after naps. Easter this year was so much fun with the kids!

Easter Morning

Baskets from the Easter Bunny!
Twins just coming out of their room in the morning to find their baskets!
Parker digging right in!
Rylee taking a break from all of the fun :)
Who knew you could make a mess with a new tennis racket! He left green grass all over the house!
Parker coloring his Easter wind chime from Mimi
Rylee coloring her wind chime!
Mommy and the twins putting together their foam airplanes!

Fun with Daddy!

The weather has been great so Brian decided to wash the cars. He had two little helpers that loved to wash every spot he had already washed and rinsed! Rylee picked out her own car washing attire complete with a tiara!

Silly Boy!

Parker found my reading glasses and wore them around all morning!

Making Cookies

We attempted to make "choo choo" cookies. We had a blast making them, but they didn't really turn out looking like trains...they tasted great though!

Easter Party

We went to an Easter party/egg hunt with the Summerville Mom's Club. I was very nervous because it was one of our first outings with Rylee out of diapers. I was so proud of her because she used the potty twice while we were there! The kids got to dig for coins in a sand table, jump in a jump castle, decorate cookies, make crafts, hunt for eggs, and enjoy a great potluck lunch! The weather was awesome and we all had a great time!

Yay Rylee!

Rylee has been out of diapers for about 4 weeks now! We attempted potty training in December (almost 23 months old) and Parker was starting to get it, but Rylee was not interested at all. Then all of a sudden at 25 months old Rylee started using her little potty chair in the evenings after her bath and then a few days later she told me she didn't want to wear diapers anymore and all by herself started using the potty! She still wears a pull up to bed at night (she's in a crib and I worry she can't get to the potty if she needs to go), but no diapers all day including nap time!

Potty training twins is difficult enough and throw in different genders and its a crazy process! At first I thought potty training both at the same time would be easiest because we could get it over and done with at the same time, but I've since changed my mind! Parker was doing great in December, but now doesn't seem interested at all. We're not pushing him with the hope that Rylee will be good to go by the time Parker is ready! Luckily Parker is a good cheerleader and says "Yay Rylee" every time she goes potty. When we're out and Rylee says she needs to go, Parker drops what he's doing and runs to escort us to the bathroom! He's such a nice brother!

St. Patricks Day Parade

The twins participated in our Mom's Club neighborhood St. Patrick's Day parade. It was originally going to be just a small group, but a local school decided to join us and we ended up with over 60 kids! A photo of Rylee even made it in the local newspaper!