The twins had their one year well baby check up and both are doing great! They were supposed to have their iron and lead levels checked, which is normally done by a prick on the finger. However, the naval clinic doesn't have the equipment to test for iron and lead that way so they were going to draw blood from their tiny little arms. We said "no thanks!". We are going to pay a civilian pediatrician with the proper equipment to do the test instead. It is recommended that children are tested before they turn two so we have some time to figure it out. Anyway, below are the twins' measurements! The growth curves are different for boys and girls which is why their percentiles are different even though they are the same height.
Parker Robert:
30 inches (50th-75th percentile)
23 lbs 15 oz (50th-75th percentilele)
Head circumference 75th percentile
Rylee Briggs:
30 inches (90th percentile)
21 lbs 3 oz (50th-75th percentile)
Head circumference 75-90th percentile
good for you. i cannot believe they were going to draw blood. weird.
i thin it is hilarious that parker eats socks. cannon does the same thing!!!
We were in Charleston when Britton was that age and I told them no way also when they said they were going to draw a whole tube full of blood! It wasn't like he was licking the walls painted in lead paint! You think they could get some more modern equipment in the past 10 years! Good for you for saying NO!!!
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